Hello again Sacred Heart Parishioners
Adorers are needed especially during the 6 pm and 11 pm hours. Please use the sign up below. This will greatly help to assure we have 24-hour Adoration at Assumption.
This info. is for everyone who has contacted me asking for details on how to Adore at Assumption. Everything you need to know is below. God bless you!
Adoration is at Assumption starting on Jan 23 Thursday/ Jan 24 Friday and this will be ongoing. It starts at 9.00 am Thursday and finishes at 7.00 am Friday. Adorers usually sign up for an hour but even if you can only do part of that hour please add your name to the time you want to do for how long with the start time. Please contact me with your time you want, your phone number and email so I can add you to the schedule. I have to be able to contact you.
We are in need of Adorers at the following times but if you come at the other times that is OK. My email is chuggett@jrhuggettco.com.
8 pm
Once you have chosen a time please email or phone me ASAP and I will give you the pass key and the instructions for accompanying the host.
I need to have answers soon for this commitment as we are one week off the start date and I have only a third of the names we need. I have attached the schedule as it is now . The Y’s are for commitments. The rest are unknown so you see my predicament! God is faithful and so are you all so I am trusting with the Holy Spirit’s help we can fill all the spots.